This easy-peasy recipe is perfect fodder for little witches and ghouls and will fill them all the energy they need for their trick-or-treating exploits in Surrey and beyond.
whatever you can find that resembers "brains" (wide taglietelle works well). However much you would normally prepare for your hungry warlocks
sauce, there are so many really lovely ones in our local farm shops that you probably don’t need to go to the trouble of making this yourself
enough for about 4 per child
food colouring pen (red as well if you can get one, to add blood shots!)
spiders for decorating the bowls
- Wipe the mushrooms and draw a black circle in the middle; colour it in with the black pen. This is the “iris” of the eye. Add jagged, “vein-like” red lines leading out from the iris, in red edible ink pen if you have one. The result should look like a blood-shot eyeball. Yuck!
- Cook the pasta in a large pan and then stir in the sauce. Heat through.
- Dish up the pasta into warmed bowls and arrange the eyeballs so they are looking out at the horrified diners. Add a few plastic spiders round the edges.
- Serve with blood juice (strawberry cordial or Wright's Original Very Cherry) – you could even decorate the glasses with small plastic spiders stuck on with washable glue.